
非居住者向け税務サービス Service for non-residents


  1. 今の会計事務所が英語に対応していない
  2. 英語対応の会計事務所は顧問料が高い
  3. 申告が初めてで勝手がわからない
  4. 経理担当者の急な退職で困っている



  1. 法人税申告書
  2. 消費税申告書
  3. 所得税申告書
  4. 相続税申告書
  5. その他税務相談



  1. 会社設立
  2. 税務顧問
  3. 記帳指導、記帳代行
  4. 申告書作成
  5. 年末調整業務
  6. 経営支援
  7. その他の税務相談


For non-residents

We provide tax-related services as below;

  • How to prepare and lodge tax statements and returns
    We assist you in preparing corporate tax returns, consumption tax returns, individual tax returns and inheritance tax returns in accordance with Japanese tax laws in time. We also provide other tax related services under Japanese tax laws.
  • How to report your financial condition under Japanese tax laws
    We assist you in preparing the report of financial condition if you need to report it to your foreign parent company or foreign related companies.

    Please feel free to contact us by phone or by email as referred to our office introduction below. We are able to visit your office if necessary.

M. I. Tax Accounting Office

Representative tax accountant: Muneharu Ichimura
Certified public accountant and tax accountant: Asami Ichimura

Location: 2-39-3 Maruyamadai Kounan-ku Yokohama 233-0013

Phone: 045-843-5589
Fax: 045-841-6340

Email: asami.ichimura@office-itax.jp
HP: http://ichimura-tax.com/

TEL:045-843-5589 対応時間:9:00~17:00(平日)
※ 土日・祝日を除く
24時間受付 オンラインお問い合わせ